MW0MWZ BlogRoll

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Fixes more fixes!Fri 24th May 2024 10:13 BST

Well you know how it goes, you start looking at what might be broken and there is always more broken than you expecd. It looks like all of the news feeds from the BBC and from the RSGB were all broken too. A little work on those and they are all back in action again... no doubt there will be more that requires my attention, but I am sure I will find and fix it in time.

Updates and FixesFri 24th May 2024 09:20 BST

It's been a while since I did much work on this website, and why not it has been working very well for many years, but things were starting to get a little creaky... The Blog is fixed, you wouldn't have missed it, I've not posted much here for some time, but hey it is working again now :) The browser based DX Cluster is back up and working, using a new service. Live-streaming with a mostly new tool written on/for Rig-Pi is back in action, the old one was lost when the SD Card on the Rig-Pi host died after a few years of service, the new tool is of course better than what went before it. Improved S-Meter overlay shows the real reading from my radio, rather than the one I had guessed at. HRDLog On-Air status is also fixed up and showing on QRZ and here too. None of these are large things, but show that the site is still doing what I wanted it to do, years down the line.

EMF CalculatorTue 9th Nov 2021 11:15 GMT

Some time ago when the ICNRP requirements were being talked about, I build an EMF calulator. Much to my surprise a few fellow hams have found it and are making active use of it, I'm pleased to be able to provide a service you find useful.

Busy Weekend!Mon 4th May 2020 10:33 BST

It's been a busy weekend one way and another, thank you Jonathan (G4KLX) for working with me, and thank you Douglas (AD8DP) for your DMR2YSF patch that inspired my work on YSF2DMR, YSF2P25 and YSF2NXDN. I think we got them working again... phew...

National Marconi DaySat 25th Apr 2020 09:04 BST

It's Marconi day!, look out for all of those special event stations, get them in the log and help them along with some QSOs. Check out the RSGB post Here for more information.

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