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Would having an AI boss be better than your current human one?Thu 4th Jul 2024 00:09 BST
Would having an AI boss be better than your current human one?

Companies are now experimenting with using AI systems to manage their staff.

The fastest data in the worldTue 2nd Jul 2024 00:02 BST
The fastest data in the world

Researchers are seeing how fast data can be delivered amid rising demand for bandwidth.

Are rainy days ahead for cloud computing?Fri 28th Jun 2024 00:06 BST
Are rainy days ahead for cloud computing?

Outsourcing computing to the cloud is a huge business, but some firms have said it's not for them.

What is 'AI washing' and why is it a problem?Thu 27th Jun 2024 00:08 BST
What is 'AI washing' and why is it a problem?

Tech firms commonly highlight their use of AI, but in some cases it may be exaggerated.

Could brain-like computers be a 'competition killer'?Tue 18th Jun 2024 00:24 BST
Could brain-like computers be a 'competition killer'?

Computers built like brains could be much more energy efficient than current designs.

'Insane' amounts of data spurs new storage techWed 12th Jun 2024 00:03 BST
'Insane' amounts of data spurs new storage tech

Storing information with holograms and in glass is being proposed to deal with a deluge of data.

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